Orders can be placed through Scheduling for pre-admit visits by configuring the Global Registry key ALLOW_PREADMIT_ORDERS.
When enabled, a pre-admit visit can have an order placed on it or be scheduled for an appointment. When disabled, a warning message displays and does not allow the user to place orders until the visit has been fully admitted.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
ALLOW_PREADMIT_ORDERS | Determines whether orders can be placed in Scheduling on pre-admit visits. | |||||
The Item dropdown in the Availability Search and Reservation Generator in Scheduling can display the item’s abbreviated text or full text by configuring the Location Registry or Global Registry key SCHED_ITEM_DESC_FIELD.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_ITEM_DESC_FIELD | Determines whether an item’s abbreviated text or full text displays in the dropdown on the Availability Search or Reservation Generator in Scheduling. | |||||
The OP Location field label can be changed to custom text using the Location or Global Registry key OP_LOCATION_LABEL. When the key is enabled, the OP Location label is replaced by text entered into Value 2 of the key. This applies to the Visit tabs in Registration, Billing, Collections, Scheduling, and Payment Posting.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||||||
OP_LOCATION_LABEL | Determines whether the default OP Location label or custom label displays in the Visit tab. | |||||||||
Appointments can be color coded by item (instead of status) by enabling registry key SCHED_APPT_COLOR_BY_ITEM. When enabled, reservations and appointments in the Scheduler will be shaded according to the color set for the item in Item Maintenance. If no color is set in Item Maintenance, the appointment will be shaded light blue.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_APPT_COLOR_BY_ITEM | Determines whether appointments are color coded by status or specific item in the Scheduler. | |||||
In order for the advanced beneficiary notice (ABN) report to display and be attached to the visit as a PDF file, registry keys must be configured. For the report to launch when the user clicks Yes on the ABN window in the medical necessity check process, the Location Registry key ABN_REPORT_URL must be configured with the report’s path.
For a PDF version of the report to be attached to the visit as an image, Location Registry key SCHED_ABN_ATTACH must be enabled, and Global Registry key ABN_IMAGE_FORM_TYPE must have the ABN form type in Value 1. The ABN_IMAGE_FORM_TYPE is installed with “ABNIMG” in Value 1, and that ABNIMG form type is also created on installation. The form type must have a storage directory defined in Form Type Maintenance. The user does not require rights for the ABNIMG form type in Imaging Security Maintenance in order to attach the image.
The configuration includes multiple settings.
In order for the ABN report to launch during the medical necessity checking process, the report’s URL must be configured in the Location Registry key ABN_REPORT_URL in Value 1. In Value 2, parameter information can be entered that will pass through the visit number and session number to the report, which allows the report to launch with the generated report.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Location Registry Key | Description | |||||||
ABN_REPORT_URL | Defines the link and information passed through to the Reporting Services advanced beneficiary notice (ABN) report. | |||||||
A PDF version of the ABN report can be attached to the visit by configuring multiple registry keys. The Location Registry key SCHED_ABN_ATTACH must be enabled, and Global Registry key ABN_IMAGE_FORM_TYPE must have the ABN image form type in Value 1.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Location Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_ABN_ATTACH | Determines whether a PDF version of the advanced beneficiary notice (ABN) report is attached to the visit when it is generated during the medical necessity check process. | |||||
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||
ABN_IMAGE_FORM_TYPE | Defines the form type used to save the PDF version of the ABN report. | |||
An existing appointment can be copied by enabling the Global Registry key SCHED_COPY_APPT. When enabled, a Copy option displays in the menu when right+clicking on an existing appointment.
When selected, the Appointment Copy wizard displays with the patient, location, department, item, and resource populated. The user can then set the start date/time and add a diagnosis code. There is also an Availability Search button.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_PATIENT_LIST | Determines whether the Scheduled Physician Patient List displays in Scheduling. | |||||
The appointment type selection can be defaulted to reservation or appointment by configuring the Global Registry key WEB_APPT_TYPE_DEFAULT. The setting applies to the Appointment Type page in the scheduling wizard.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||
WEB_APPT_TYPE_DEFAULT | Determines whether the Appointment Type page in the scheduling wizard defaults to reservation or appointment. | |||||
The ordering department, priority, physician, reason, and transportation information can be defaulted in the Order Information tab for a new appointment by configuring Location Registry keys. When configured, the values will serve as defaults when a new appointment is created for that location.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||
SCHED_DEF_ORDER_PHYS | Defines the default physician assigned to new appointments. Note: The Location Registry key DEFAULT_ORDER_PHYS_TYPE takes precedence over this code. | |||
SCHED_DEF_ORDER_DEPT_ID | Defines the default ordering department assigned to new appointments. | |||
SCHED_DEF_ORDER_PRIORITY_CD | Defines the priority assigned to new appointments. | |||
SCHED_DEF_ORDER_REASON_TXT | Defines the reason text assigned to new appointments. | |||
SCHED_DEF_ORDER_TRANSPORT_CD | Defines the transport code assigned to new appointments. | |||
The Ordering Phys field in the Order Information tab can default to a physician associated with the visit based on physician type using the Location Registry key DEFAULT_ORDER_PHYS_TYPE.
If the visit has an associated physician with a physician type that matches the physician type entered in the key, that physician defaults in the Ordering Phys field. For example, if the physician type for Admitting physician is entered in the key, the visit’s admitting physician defaults in the field. The field is blank if no visit physician type matches the key or if the key is null.
In the examples below, the key is set to the admitting physician, displayed in the Physicians tab and defaulted in the Order Information tab.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
DEFAULT_ORDER_PHYS_TYPE | Determines which, if any, physician associated with a visit defaults in the Ordering Physician field in Order Entry and Scheduling (the Order Information window) based on physician type. If a physician is associated with a visit with the matching physician type (admitted, for example), that physician is defaulted. | |||||
When adding an appointment in a resource-based view by right+click in the Scheduler, the department can be defaulted by configuring the registry key SCHED_WIZARD_DEFAULT_DEPT. When a valid department is entered in the key, that department automatically populates the Department dropdown on the Item Information window in the Scheduling wizard.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||
SCHED_WIZARD_DEFAULT_DEPT | Defines a scheduling department to be defaulted in the Departmentdropdown on the Item Information window in the Scheduling wizard. This applies to resource-based views. | |||
An item’s full text or the associated CPT code description can print on an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) by configuring the Location Registry key MED_NEC_PRN_DESCRIPTION. When Medical Necessity Checks are performed, the ABN created from a failed check will list the failed CPT codes associated with the item along with either the item’s full text (from the ITEM_MSTR table) or the CPT code description (from the ANC_PX_MSTR table).
In the examples below, the first ABN displays the item description with the CPT codes, while the second displays the CPT code description.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Location Registry Key | Description | |||||
MED_NEC_PRN_DESCRIPTION | Determines whether an item’s full text (from the ITEM_MSTR table) or CPT code description (from the ANC_PX_MSTR table) prints on an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN). If there is no entry or the key does not exist, the item’s full text prints. | |||||
The number of appointments for a resource can be displayed in parenthesis next to the resource in the scheduler by enabling the Global Registry key SCHED_RESOURCE_TALLY. This applies only to a resource-specific view. The number updates automatically as appointments are added or canceled.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_RESOURCE_TALLY | Determines whether a count of appointments for the resource display next to the resource name in the scheduler. | |||||
The Scheduled Physician Patient List, which groups patients by their appointment status, can display by enabling Global Registry key SCHED_PATIENT_LIST. When enabled, the list displays patients and upcoming appointments in four groups:
In each group header, the total number of appointments displays in parenthesis. Click on an appointment in the list to select it and load information in the tabs.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_PATIENT_LIST | Determines whether the Scheduled Physician Patient List displays in Scheduling. | |||||
The visit on an appointment can be loaded in Registration in a separate window by enabling the Global Registry key SCHED_REG_AUTOLAUNCH. When the key is enabled, there is a “Display in Registration” option from the right+click menu on an appointment in Scheduling and a “listening” link near the toolbar in Registration.
To view a visit on an appointment in Registration, follow these steps:
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_REG_AUTOLAUNCH | Determines whether the visit on an appointment can be loaded in Registration in a separate window. | |||||
The Appointment Type (Individual/Group and Reservation/Appointment) and Admitting Diagnosis windows can be skipped in the Scheduling wizard by configuring registry keys. The Appointment Type window that determines an individual or group appointment, the Appointment Type window that determines a reservation or appointment, and the Admitting Diagnosis windows can all be hidden.
Keep in mind that if the Appointment Type (Reservation/Appointment) is being skipped using the Global or Location Registry key SCHED_WIZARD_HIDE_RESERVATION, then the wizard will automatically create either a reservation or appointment based on the configuration of Global Registry key WEB_APPT_TYPE_DEFAULT, which sets a default for that window.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_WIZARD_HIDE_GROUP_APPT | Determines whether the Appointment Type (Individual or Group) is skipped in the Scheduling wizard. | |||||
SCHED_WIZARD_HIDE_RESERVATION | Determines whether the Appointment Type (Appointments or Reservation) is skipped in the Scheduling wizard. | |||||
SCHED_WIZARD_HIDE_ADMITTING_DX | Determines whether the Admitting Diagnosis is skipped in the Scheduling wizard. | |||||
A coded diagnosis can be required before adding orders to visits with payers and patient types set up for Medical Necessity Checking by enabling the Global Registry key MED NEC: NO ORDER WITHOUT DX. The key is automatically enabled if it exists.
If the key exists and an item is scheduled is placed without a diagnosis, a warning message displays after the last page of the scheduling wizard.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||
MED NEC: NO ORDER WITHOUT DX | Determines whether users can schedule items on patients that do not have a coded diagnosis. If RCM Cloud® locates this key, it does allow ordering to continue. No entry is required in Value 1. | |||
An appointment already marked as “No-Show” can be rescheduled to a later date/time if the user has the security right SCHED_NOSH, and the number of hours after the appointment time that a user is allowed to reschedule the appointment can be configured using the Location Registry key SCHED_OVERRIDE_NOSHOW_APPTS.
The security right allows the user to reschedule a single-visit, no-show appointment to any time after the original appointment date/time. The appointment’s status will automatically return to Scheduled.
The Location Registry key SCHED_OVERRIDE_NOSHOW_APPTS limits the amount of time (in hours) available to reschedule the appointment. For example, if the key’s Value 1 is set to 24 hours, and the appointment was originally scheduled for 2 p.m. on Monday, it cannot be rescheduled after 2 p.m. on Tuesday.
If the user is missing the security or the override time has expired, the no-show appointment cannot be rescheduled in the Appointment Scheduler or by changing the date/time in the Appointment tab.
The configuration includes multiple settings.
For this configuration, a security right must be granted to the user.
Security Code | Description |
SCHED_NOSH | Allows user to reschedule a no-show appointment to a later date/time, automatically returning it to its scheduled state. |
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Location Registry Key | Description | |||
SCHED_OVERRIDE_NOSHOW_APPTS | Determines how many hours after the original scheduled appointment time an appointment marked as “No-Show” can be rescheduled. As long as the user attempts to reschedule the appointment within this time frame, it can be scheduled as far in the future as needed. | |||
Appointments on the waitlist can be rescheduled to the current day by enabling the Global Registry key SCHED_WAITLIST_CURRENT_DAY. When the key is disabled, waitlisted appointments can only be rescheduled for the next day or later, meaning if the current date is July 5 and a waitlisted appointment is scheduled for July 10, the earliest it can be rescheduled is July 6. When the key is enabled, that appointment can be rescheduled to July 5.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_WAITLIST_CURRENT_DAY | Determimes whether a waitlisted appointment can be rescheduled to the current day. | |||||
The automatic refresh rate for the Appointment Scheduler can be determined by using the Global Registry key SCHED_APPT_REFRESH_RATE. The number entered, in seconds, determines how frequently the Appointment Scheduler is refreshed with updated appointment information.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||
SCHED_APPT_REFRESH_RATE | Determines the automatic refresh rate, in seconds, for the Appointment Scheduler in Scheduling. | |||
Availability shading for department and resource views can be displayed by enabling the Global or Location Registry key SCHED_DISPLAY_AVAILABILITY. When enabled, a department’s unavailable time and a resource’s unavailable time and block time will be displayed in the scheduler using colors defined in Profile Maintenance.
Items can still be dragged and dropped or created in the shading, but a warning message will display when the user clicks the Verify button or attempts to complete the appointment. In the example below, the gray shading represents time the physician resource is not available, while the red shading represents blocked time.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_DISPLAY_AVAILABILITY | Determines whether unavailable times are shaded on the scheduler in Scheduling. | |||||
The allowable time for backdating appointments can be determined by configuring the Global Registry key SCHEDULER_BACKDATE_LIMIT. This allows the user to create or reschedule an appointment a specific number of hours prior to the current date/time.
If an appointment is attempted to be scheduled prior to the backdate limit, a warning message displays. A warning also displays if you attempt to reschedule an appointment that exceeds the backdate limit.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHEDULER_BACKDATE_LIMIT | Determines the allowable time, in hours, for backdating appointments. The default is zero, which does not allow the user to create or reschedule an appointment prior to the current date/time. | |||||
The initial range of appointments (past and future) displayed in the Appointment Scheduler upon opening Scheduling can be determined by configuring the Global Registry key SCHEDULING_TIME_FRAME. This affects how long it takes to load the Appointment Scheduler, as a larger range takes more time to load.
It is recommended to use a common time frame in scheduling (30-60 days out). After the initial load, users can navigate to any date, and additional appointments are loaded as necessary.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHEDULING_TIME_FRAME | Determines the range of appointments displayed in the Appointment Scheduler during the initial load. If the key does not exist, the default is 30 days prior and 60 days after. | |||||
The maximum number of reservations that can be created at once and the maximum number of days in advance that reservations can be created can be determined using Location Registry or Global Registry keys.
The maximum number of reservations that can be created can be set using SCHED_RESVGEN_MAX_RESERVATIONS. If the number of scheduled reservations exceeds the registry key value, an error message displays when you try to save the reservation.
The maximum number of days from the current date that can be scheduled can be set using SCHED_RESVGEN_MAX_DAYS. If the scheduled reservations extend past the number of days in the registry key value, an error message displays when you try to save the reservation.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
SCHED_RESVGEN_MAX_RESERVATIONS | Determines the maximum number of reservations that can be created at one time using the Reservation Generator. | |||||
SCHED_RESVGEN_MAX_DAYS | Determines the maximum number of days from the current date that reservations can be scheduled using the Reservation Generator. | |||||
The time interval on the Appointment Scheduler, which determines how the grid cells are split (15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc.), can be determined using the Location Registry and Global Registry key SCHED_TIME_INTERVAL. In the example below, the interval is set to 30 minutes.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||
SCHED_TIME_INTERVAL | Determines the time interval for the cells on the Appointment Scheduler in Scheduling. | |||
The time range for the Appointment Scheduler can be determined using Location Registry or Global Registry keys. The SCHED_START_HOUR key sets the earliest hour on the scheduling grid, while the SCHED_END_HOUR sets the latest hour on the grid. In the example below, the start time is 7 a.m. (7), while the end time is 6 p.m. (18).
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either Location Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The Location Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||
SCHEDULER_BACKDATE_LIMIT | Determines the earliest hour on the Appointment Scheduler in Scheduling. | |||
SCHED_END_HOUR | Determines the latest hour on the Appointment Scheduler in Scheduling. | |||
RCM Cloud® can verify that the physician entered into the Ordering Phys field in the Order Information tab has ordering privileges based on whether one of his or her location restrictions match the physician type code defined in the Global Registry key ORDERING_PHYSICIAN_TYPE_CD.
When the physician ID is entered, the system immediately checks to see if the physician has a restriction (set in Physician Maintenance) on that physician type code. If the physician entered has the restriction, a warning or error message displays. If the key is not defined or the physician has no restrictions, the appointment can be scheduled.
If the warning message displays (below, right), you can click No to clear the ordering physician field or click Yes to add the physician.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||
ORDERING_PHYSICIAN_TYPE_CD | Defines the physician type code that, when matched to a physician’s restriction in Physician Maintenance, restricts a physician’s ability to order items. | |||
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