The Remit Detail tab is used to manage remit detail for an insurance payment. This child tab is only available if an insurance batch and payment has been selected from the work queue.
Insurance payment information along with claim denials and service line detail can be added or updated for the payment line item. This information may also be imported from an 835 ERA import file.
To add/update remit detail, follow these steps:
The Claim Denials tab is used to manage claim denial information on an insurance payment. This child tab is only available if an insurance batch and payment has been selected from the work queue.
CAS (Claim Adjustment Reason) reason codes explain why a claim or service line was paid differently thant it was billed. Remittance advice remark codes provide additional information on the denial or regarding remittance processing. Denial codes and remarks can be entered manually or imported with an ERA 835 file. Remarks are noted by an asterisk in the Rmk column.
To add a claim denial/remark, follow these steps:
To update a denial/remark, follow these steps:
To delete a denial/remark, follow these steps:
1903 Wright Place, Suite 120
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Toll-Free (877) 633-7743