The Lifetime Reserve and Psych Lifetime Reserve fields and authorization options on the Insurance > Coverages tab can be activated by enabling Location Registry keys.
These fields allow lifetime reserve information, and the patient’s accompanying authorization or denial to use those reserve days, to be stored in RCM Cloud®. This is informational, and the application does not enforce any limits.
The Location Registry key LTC_MEDICARE activates the Lifetime Reserve field on the Insurance Coverages tab. It also activates the Lifetime Reserve Authorization section on the Coverages tab. The Location Registry key PSYCH_MEDICARE activates the Psych Lifetime Reserve field on the Coverages tab and activates the Psych Lifetime Reserve Authorization section.
To add/update lifetime reserve information on the Insurance Coverages window in Insurance Verification, follow these steps:
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Location Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Location Registry Key | Description | |||||
LTC_MEDICARE | Determines whether the Lifetime Reserve field is enabled on the Coverages tab. When enabled, the Lifetime Reserve Authorizationoptions are also active on the Coverages tab. | |||||
PSYCH_MEDICARE | Determines whether the Psych Lifetime Reserve field is enabled on the Coverages tab. When enabled, the Psych Lifetime Reserve Authorization options are also active on the Coverages tab. | |||||
RCM Cloud® can be set to automatically populate the Policy Number field in the Insurance tab with the patient or guarantor’s Social Security number by enabling the Global Registry key REG_AUTO_POPULATE_POLICY#. When active and adding an insurance plan for the visit, a message displays asking to default the patient or guarantor’s Social Security number to the Policy Number field. Click Yes, and the SSN populates the Policy Number field.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||
REG_AUTO_POPULATE_POLICY# | Determines whether RCM Cloud® can default the patient or guarantor’s Social Security number in the Policy Number field on the Insurance tab. When enabled, a message displays asking whether to default the SSN to the Policy Number field. | |||||
The labels for the three fields atop the Coverage Levels window can be changed to any label needed using Global Registry keys.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||||||
INSVERFY_SEMI_PRIV_LABEL | Determines the first field label that displays in the Room/Bed Charges section of the Coverage Levels window. The default is Semi-Prvt Limit. | |||||||||
INSVERFY_PRIV_LABEL | Determines the second field label that displays in the Room/Bed Charges section of the Coverage Levels window. The default is Private Limit. | |||||||||
INSVERFY_SPECIAL_LABEL | Determines the third field label that displays in the Room/Bed Charges section of the Coverage Levels window. The default is Special Limit. | |||||||||
An insurance company’s name, address, and phone information can be changed by enabling the Override button in the Insurance tab. The modified information is specific to the visit and displays on forms. When the modifications are saved, no update is made to the insurance plan/insurance ID.
The Override button is enabled by override options for the plan in the Insurance Plan Maintenance window in Insurance Maintenance. Any or all of the override options may be selected.
For this configuration, use Insurance Plan Maintenance for an insurance company in Insurance Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Application | Option | Description | ||||||
Insurance Maintenance> Insurance Plan Maintenance | Override checkboxes | Determines which insurance company information can be overwritten in the Insurance tab and enables the Override button. | ||||||
The MSP Code dropdown can be available in the Insurance tab and be used to track Medicare Secondary Payer information by enabling the Global Registry key MSP_CD_OPTION. When the key is enabled, the MSP Code dropdown displays in the Insurance tabs in Registration, Billing, and Collections.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
MSP_CD_OPTION | Determines whether the MSP Code dropdown is available in the Insurance tab. | |||||
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Carlsbad, CA 92008
Toll-Free (877) 633-7743