Interest adjustments can be applied to self pay accounts by running a database job that is configured System Registry keys. The CAS-55691_Auto_Post_Interest job can be scheduled to post interest adjustments with a defined percentage rate after a defined number of days for any self pay visit with a balance.
The rate is set in System Registry key AUTO_POST_INTEREST_RATE_FREQ in Value 1, and the frequency of posting is set in days in Value 2. For example, if Value 1 is .03 and Value 2 is 30, a 3-percent adjustment will be calculated and posted if the current date (when the job is run) is 30 days after the billing event moved to self pay (initial posting) or 30 days after the initial posting. The adjustments are applied using the adjustment code defined in System Registry key AUTO_POST_INTEREST_ADJ_CD with a comment of “INTEREST AUTO-POST.”
In the example below, a 3-percent adjustment was applied using the adjustment code “INTEREST.”
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||||
AUTO_POST_INTEREST_ADJ_CD | Defines the adjustment code applied to an interest adjustment posted by the Auto Post Interest SQL job. | |||||||
AUTO_POST_INTEREST_RATE_FREQ | Determines the second field label that displays in the Room/Bed Charges section of the Coverage Levels window. The default is Private Limit. | |||||||
The Date field in the Adjustment tab, when adding an adjustment, can default to the current date by enabling the Global Registry key ADJENTRY_DEFAULT_DATE. When enabled, the Date field displays the current date when the visit is selected.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||
Determines whether the Date field defaults to the current date in the Adjustment tab. | |||||
All image files that are part of the patient or visit record can be listed in the Patient Images tab even if a user does not have access to view them by enabling the Global Registry key DISPLAY_ALL_IMG_FILES. User access to specific image form types is determined in Imaging Security Maintenance. Although the image file is listed, the user cannot view it.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||||
DISPLAY_ALL_IMG_FILES | Determines whether all of a patient or visit’s image form types display, even if the user does not have security access to view them. | |||||
Professional component code text can display in the Period dropdown in several Quick Actions and tabs with the billing event dates instead of simply “1500” by enabling the System Registry or Global Registry key PERIOD_PROF_COMP_CD.
Professional component codes, which are type of service codes used in 1500 billing, can be associated with revenue codes, which are then associated with charge codes. Billing generally creates a billing event when there is a change in the professional component code of the charges on a visit.
When the registry key is enabled, RCM Cloud® pulls the professional component code for the first charge associated with the billing event and displays its abbreviated text in parenthesis next to the billing event date range in the Period drop-down menu. When there are multiple 1500 events on a visit, this allows the user to view the different professional charges associated with the visit.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in either System Registry Maintenance or Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below. The System Registry takes precedence over the Global Registry.
Registry Key | Description | |||||
PERIOD_PROF_COMP_CD | Determines whether the abbreviated text for the professional component code displays in parenthesis next to the billing event date range instead of only “1500” in the Period dropdown. | |||||
For certain on hold accounts, datamailers/letters can be stopped from being produced but collection activity can continue by configuring the Global Registry key AR_HOLD_MAILINGS. If a valid AR Hold Reason is entered into this key, then any account put on hold with that reason will continue to move through the collections process, but datamailers and letters will be prevented from being produced and mailed to the patient.
For this configuration, use the key(s) in Global Registry Maintenance with the settings described in the table below.
Global Registry Key | Description | |||
AR_HOLD_MAILINGS | Defines an AR Hold Reason that, when selected in the Hold Account window in Collector Work Schedule, will prevent datamailers/letters from being produced and mailed to patients while allowing the on hold billing event to continue to move through the collections process. | |||
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Carlsbad, CA 92008
Toll-Free (877) 633-7743