Log in to Mirth Interface Engine and view the Dashboard. In this screen you will notice a column that says Queued. This column should have a 0 next to a channel. If there is a number in this column, it indicates that there a messages that are queued and need to be sent. Example below showing the DEV ADT toOV channel with 58 queued messages:
To see what messages are queued, double click on the channel in question and it will bring up a new screen. You may need to change the date range and time in Start and End Time to see the queued messages. Click on the Status dropdown and change to QUEUED, and then click on the Search Button. This will show any queued messages during that date/time range:
If this is a channel that is being sent from another vendor to OpenVista, then it most likely indicates that the logical link is down in OpenVista or needs to be restarted. Please see the other FAQ provided for restarting a logical link within OpenVista. Once the logical link has been restarted, the queued messages should clear. If they do not, please see other FAQ for reprocessing messages in Mirth.
If this is a channel that is being sent from OpenVista to another vendor, then it most likely indicates the receiving side is down. Contact the other vendor to restart that side of the interface.
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