There are two types of filers in the OpenVista HL7 package. Incoming Filers for messages being sent into OpenVista and Outgoing Filers for messages being sent out of OpenVista. Keeping the filers up and running is necessary to keep messaging coming in and out of your system.
The Incoming Filers copy incoming messages received by a link (and stored in the Logical Link’s In queue) into the HL7 Message Text and HL7 Message Administration files, then call the appropriate application processing routine to process the message.
The Outgoing Filers assemble and copy outgoing messages from the HL7 Message Text and HL7 Message Administration files to the appropriate Logical Link’s Out queue, after which the link assumes responsibility and delivers the messages to other systems.
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HLO HL7 (Optimized) MAIN MENU …
Select HL7 Main Menu Option: FILer and Link Management Options
SM Systems Link Monitor
FL Monitor, Start, Stop Filers
LM TCP Link Manager Start/Stop
SA Stop All Messaging Background Processes
RA Restart/Start All Links and Filers
DF Default Filers Startup
SL Start/Stop Links
PI Ping (TCP Only)
ED Link Edit
ER Link Errors …
Select Filer and Link Management Options Option: FL Monitor, Start, Stop Filers
The Filer Monitor will open up displaying the incoming and outgoing filers’ status. Use the options displayed at the bottom of the screen to Start, Stop, or Delete the Incoming Filer tasks. The goal when monitoring the filers is to ensure that appropriate number of incoming and outgoing filers are running and that none have errored or stopped inappropriately.
Task Number of (Incoming/Outgoing) Filer. Is the task number of each filer.
Asked To Stop. Indicates whether the filer has been flagged to stop.
Last Known Date/Time. Shows the most recent date and time that filer updated its status.
Time Difference. Notes the difference between the current date and time and the last date and time that filer updated its status. Should never be greater than five to six minutes; otherwise, the filers are probably not running.
If there is a filer error one of the following messages displays for both incoming and outgoing filers:
Outgoing filer has not started yet
Outgoing filer stopped but didn t delete itself
** Outgoing filer is no longer defined **
** Outgoing filer has not been [re]scheduled **
** Outgoing filer has stopped due to error **
(+I) Start incoming filer (-I) Stop incoming filer (*I) Delete incoming filer
(+O) Start outgoing filer (-O) Stop outgoing filer (*O) Delete outgoing filer
(N) Next 4 lines in list (B) Back 4 lines in list (Q) Quit
*Note: it is not required to hit the <ENTER> key after entering a selection at the prompt.*
(+I) Start incoming filer. Queues a background job, assigns a task number, and adds
it to the list of incoming filers. The message **Incoming filer has not started yet**
displays until the filer is physically started.
(+O) Start outgoing filer. Queues a background job, assigns a task number, and adds
it to the list of outgoing filers. The message **Outgoing filer has not started yet**
displays until the filer is physically started.
(-I) Stop incoming filer. Searches through the list of incoming filers until it finds the
first one that is running and flags it to stop. Yes is displayed in the Asked To
Stop column. The message **Incoming filer has been asked to stop** displays
until the filer is physically stopped, at which time it is automatically deleted from the
Filer Monitor display and the list of incoming filers that are running.
(-O) Stop outgoing filer. Searches through the list of outgoing filers until it finds the
first one that is running and flags it to stop. Yes displays in the Asked To Stop
column. The message **Outgoing filer has been asked to stop** displays until the
filer is physically stopped, at which time it is automatically deleted from the Filer
Monitor display and the list of outgoing filers that are running.
(*I) Delete incoming filer. Use this option only when Error is displayed in the
Asked To Stop column, the message **Incoming filer has stopped due to an
error** is displayed, and the filer is stopped. First, use the error trap to diagnose the
problem, and then use this action to delete the filer(s) from the Filer Monitor display
and from the list of incoming filers that are running. If Error is displayed for
multiple filers, you are prompted to select which of the filer(s) you want to delete. If
Error displays for a single filer, it will be automatically deleted when you use this
(*O) Delete outgoing filer. Use this option only when Error displays in the Asked
To Stop column, the message **Outgoing filer has stopped due to an error**
displays, and the filer is stopped. First, use the error trap to diagnose the problem, and
then use this action to delete the filer(s) from the Filer Monitor display and from the
list of outgoing filers that are running. If Error is displayed for multiple filers, you
are prompted to select which of the filer(s) you want to delete. If Error displays for
a single filer, it will be automatically deleted when you use this action.
(N) Next 4 lines in list. Displays the next 4 lines in the Filer Monitor for both
incoming and outgoing filers.
(B) Back 4 lines in list. Backs up 4 lines in the Filer Monitor for both incoming and
outgoing filers.
(Q) Quit. Exits the OPTION. returns you to the menu.
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