1. Mass Override Exam Status
This option is used by the supervisor to override one or more statuses of exams to complete. It can be used to clean up old exams that were never completed and are still assigned a case number. This will allow case numbers to be re-cycled and re-used. However, it is preferable to use exam status tracking or case editing options to move an exam to a COMPLETE status if work was performed. The Mass Override Exam Status option will not attempt to do any automatic procedure crediting, so if the procedures being overridden to complete represent actual work done, it will be necessary to enter charges manually to ensure credit.
Go to Supervisor Menu
Mass Override Exam Status
Your sign-on imaging type is GENERAL RADIOLOGY, so only exams of imaging type GENERAL RADIOLOGY will be changed to complete.
Are you sure you want to proceed? YES [Enter Key]
…OK? Yes// [Enter Key] (Yes)
Enter a cutoff date that is at least sixty days prior to today.
Enter a date: T-60 [Enter date] [Enter Key] FEB 10, 1997
DEVICE: HOME// Select a printer [Enter Key]
2. Override a Single Exam’s Status to Complete
This function allows the coordinator to override the status of any exam to ‘complete’. The only exceptions to this function are exams which are already ‘complete’ or those which have been ‘cancelled’. This option can be used to update an old exam that was never completed and is still assigned a case number. This will allow case numbers to be re-cycled and re-used. However, it is preferable to use exam status tracking or case editing options to move an exam to a COMPLETE status if work was performed. The Override a Single Exam Status to ‘complete’ option will not attempt to do any automatic procedure crediting, so if the procedures being overridden to complete represent actual work done, data will have to be entered manually into the Billing package.
You will be prompted for the case number of the exam whose status you wish to override. The case number, patient name and ID, procedure, exam date, technologist and physician will be displayed for the selected case. If you do not know the case number, enter the patient name to see a list of exams on file and be prompted for a selection.
Go to Supervisor Menu
Override a Single Exam’s Status to Complete
HL7 Radiology HL7 Menu …
Access Uncorrected Reports
Delete a Report
Delete Printed Batches By Date
Exam Deletion
Inquire to File Entries
List Exams with Inactive/Invalid Statuses
Maintenance Files Print Menu …
Mass Override Exam Status
Override a Single Exam’s Status to ‘complete’
Print File Entries
Rad/Nuc Med Personnel Menu …
Search File Entries
Switch Locations
System Definition Menu …
Unverify a Report for Amendment
Update Exam Status
Utility Files Maintenance Menu …
Select Supervisor Menu Option: override a Single Exam’s Status to ‘complete’
Enter Case Number: 3
Name : TEST,DEMO Pt ID : 1001
Case No. : 3 Procedure : ABDOMEN ERECT & RECUMBANT
Exam Date: FEB 12,2010 15:49 Technologist:
Are you sure? No// y
…will now attempt override…
…exam status is now ‘COMPLETE’.
…will now designate request status as ‘COMPLETE’…
…request status successfully updated.
1903 Wright Place, Suite 120
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Toll-Free (877) 633-7743
Email customercare@medsphere.com