To customize the backup you will need to edit the backups.conf file in the directory /opt/openvista/namespace/etc/ and change the line in red below:
# configuration file for OpenVista backup utilities
# this file is sourced by bash, so any valid bash syntax is allowed
# backup_daily: Back up this instance automatically once per day
# The /etc/cron.daily/openvista script runs once per day and backs up all
# instances with backup_daily set to “yes” one after another to avoid excessive
# I/O from all the instances being backed up simultaneously.
# If backup_daily is set to “yes” here, the /etc/cron.daily/openvista script
# will back up this instance. The default is “yes”.
# If you want this instance to be backed up on a custom schedule, set
# backup_daily to “no” here and add an entry for this instance in
# /etc/cron.d/openvista.
backup_daily=yes <– change this to no
# num_backups: Number of backups to keep in the backups directory
# After a successful backup, if there are more than num_backups backup files in
# the backups directory, the oldest file will be deleted until the number of
# backup files is less than or equal to num_backups. The default is 3.
2.Then you will need to edit the openvista file in the directory etc/cron.d/ and add this line in red below. The example in red below would backup the namespace named “namespace” at 12:00am daily and purge old journals after a successful backup. For reference, the 5 crontab date/time fields are minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week. The next field is the username, followed by the command.
# custom cron jobs for OpenVista
# this file is read by cron, so any valid crontab syntax is allowed
# By default, OpenVista instances are backed up and old journals are purged
# once per day by the /etc/cron.daily/openvista script. If you want an
# instance to be backed up on a custom schedule, edit the instance’s
# etc/backups.conf file and set backup_daily to “no”, then add an entry for the
# instance here. You may also want to set purge_daily to “no” in the
# instance’s etc/journals.conf and call ovpurgejournals here.
# For reference, the 5 crontab date/time fields are minute, hour, day of month,
# month, and day of week. The next field is the username, followed by the
# command.
# Example: back up the production instance at 6am, noon, 6pm, and midnight
# every day; purge old journals right after a successful backup
# 0 */6 * * * openvista ovbackup -q production && ovpurgejournals production
# Example: back up the training instance at 3:45am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and
# Fridays; let the daily cron job purge old journals (Warning: because
# journals are being purged more often than backups are made, if the
# training database is busy, it’s possible that you won’t be able to
# restore a backup and then replay journals because the required
# journals have already been purged)
# 45 3 * * 1,3,5 openvista ovbackup -q training
0 0 * * * openvista ovbackup -q namespace && ovpurgejournals namespace
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