[jason.keppler@mirthserver ~]$ mysql -u root -p
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mysql> show full processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 273 | fdb | mirthserver.hospital.org:55704 | fdb | Sleep | 101 | | NULL |
| 274 | price | mirthserver.hospital.org:55705 | pricing | Sleep | 101 | | NULL |
| 507 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:52372 | mirthdb | Sleep | 1 | | NULL |
| 566 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:54832 | mirthdb | Sleep | 4899 | | NULL |
| 567 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:55357 | mirthdb | Sleep | 101 | | NULL |
| 605 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:56846 | mirthdb | Sleep | 4899 | | NULL |
| 614 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:44696 | mirthdb | Sleep | 1601 | | NULL |
| 615 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:46141 | mirthdb | Sleep | 1601 | | NULL |
| 625 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:36542 | mirthdb | Sleep | 101 | | NULL |
| 637 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:39134 | mirthdb | Sleep | 101 | | NULL |
| 638 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | NULL | show full processlist |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show full processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 273 | fdb | ovmirtha.hospital.org:55704 | fdb | Sleep | 478 | | NULL |
| 274 | price | ovmirtha.hospital.org:55705 | pricing | Sleep | 478 | | NULL |
| 507 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:52372 | mirthdb | Sleep | 26 | | NULL |
| 566 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:54832 | mirthdb | Sleep | 5276 | | NULL |
| 567 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:55357 | mirthdb | Sleep | 478 | | NULL |
| 605 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:56846 | mirthdb | Sleep | 5276 | | NULL |
| 614 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:44696 | mirthdb | Sleep | 1978 | | NULL |
| 615 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:46141 | mirthdb | Sleep | 1978 | | NULL |
| 625 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:36542 | mirthdb | Query | 6 | Sending data | SELECT MESSAGE.* FROM MESSAGE WHERE CHANNEL_ID = ‘fdd289cc-eaba-4e74-b1b1-72d0aaf8531b’ AND DATE_CREATED >= ‘2017-09-01 00:00:00’ AND DATE_CREATED <= ‘2017-10-14 00:00:00’ AND (RAW_DATA LIKE ‘%TESTPATIENT%’ OR ENCODED_DATA LIKE ‘%TESTPATIENT%’ OR TRANSFORMED_DATA LIKE ‘%TESTPATIENT%’ OR ERRORS LIKE ‘%TESTPATIENT%’) ORDER BY DATE_CREATED DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0 |
| 637 | mirth | mirthserver.hospital.org:39134 | mirthdb | Sleep | 478 | | NULL |
| 638 | root | localhost | mirthdb | Query | 0 | NULL | show full processlist |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
kill <thread id>;
kill 625;
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