· Shell account with root-level sudo access on server hosting the Pricing Engine
· Pricing Engine .jar file for the version being upgraded.
· Pricing Engine configuration .xml file (a copy of a previous .xml config file can be used if it contains all of the required fields).
· Access to Mirth Connect Administrator application for applicable site.
· Root access to MySQL
· On new installs – complete steps in Appendix A
Before PE Installation/upgrade:
1) Using Mirth, stop the associated charging channels
2) Move files to server: /opt/pricing (create this directory for new installations and ownership must be to user mirth)
3) Check for User: ENGINE,PRICING (access/verify) (create new account in vista for new installations)
4) $ cd /opt/mirth
5) $ more (verify PE user set up – of course this won’t be there on a new installation – you had to create a new account in vista for new installations – use those credentials for your installation)
config]$ more
# RPC Broker Connection Properties
6) Verify Server IP Address
7) Verify RPC Broker Port (usually PROD 9260; DEV 9262)
If necessary, the file ownership can be modified by using the sudo command with the chown command. For example; to change all files in the current directory to the mirth user, run sudo chown mirth*.
All of the Pricing Engine upgrade must be performed as the Mirth user.
Begin PE Upgrade:
1) Install KIDS Build associated with the PE Upgrade:
Select Installation Option: 1 Load a Distribution
Enter a Host File: <path to KIDS build> /MSCPHMPR_11_1501.KID
Select Installation Option: 6 Install Package(s)
Select INSTALL NAME: MSCPHMPR*1.1*1501 Loaded from Distribution
fixed lookup of charge master by drug ien ;Created on Jul 06, 2011@15
2) Verify that new files are in directory:
The specific location of the Pricing Engine may vary from site to site. Known Pricing Engine locations include /opt/mirth/pricing and /opt/pricing.
$ cd /opt/pricing
pricing]$ ls –l
total 25576
3) Edit pricing-server-mirth-autoinstall.xml file:
pricing]$ vi pricing-server-mirth-autoinstall.xml
The default value for the install path is /home/mirth/medsphere/pricing
Install Path: </opt/pricing>
MIRTH_PATH : </opt/mirth>
OV_USER: <PHAR1234 (Example ACCESS)>
OV_PASSWORD: <phar1234! (Example VERIFY)>
RPCBroker: <9260>
Localhost: <Server IP Address>
4) Check Current Versions before upgrade from mirth directory only:
mirth]$ sh
Version for /com/medsphere/pricing:
mirth]$ sh
5) Backup mysql database:
pricing]$ mkdir dbbackup
pricing]$ mysqldump -uprice -pprice pricing > pricingbkup7_22.backup
pricing]$ cd dbbackup
dbbackup]$ dir
dbbackup]$ cd ..
pricing]$ ls –l
Checking that dbbackup directory was created
6) Install PE:
On linux, you need to be the mirth user (you can use “sudo su -mirth” from your own account to run as mirth user) when running the install but in any event, make sure all files in the /opt/pricing belong to mirth after the installation is complete.
pricing]$ sudo java -jar PricingInstall- pricing-server-auto-install.xml
Password: xxxxxxxxxxx
[ Starting automated installation ]
Read pack list from xml definition.
Try to add to selection [Name: Pricing Client and Index: 0]
Try to add to selection [Name: Pricing Module for Mirth and Index: 1]
Try to add to selection [Name: Upgrade Pricing Database and HCPCS Codes, if needed and Index: 2]
Try to remove from selection [Name: Run FDB Mapping Report and Index: 3]
Modify pack selection.
Pack [Name: Pricing Module for Mirth and Index: 1] added to selection.
Pack [Name: Upgrade Pricing Database and HCPCS Codes, if needed and Index: 2] added to selection.
setting pricing xpar data
*** User Info:
DUZ= [129]
Full Name= [Price Engine]
**** Pricing database properties:
send-amount-on-credit = [false]
round.billing.quantity = [true]
jdbc.table.exists.query = [SELECT count(*) as CNT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ‘pricing’ AND table_name = ?]
delete-zft = [true]
ft1-6-credit-match-text = [CR] = [300]
use-multiple-ft1-segments = [false]
jdbc.test.connection.query = [select 1]
jdbc.password = [<hidden>] = [-1]
jdbc.url = [jdbc:mysql://]
jdbc.user = [price]
throw-exception-on-null-price = [false]
jdbc.driver = [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver]
**** FDB database properties:
fdb.poolsize = [8] = [300]
jdbc.test.connection.query = [select 1]
jdbc.password = [<hidden>]
fdb.debugging = [false]
fdb.loadlimit = [8]
use.native.fdb.pooling = [false]
jdbc.url = [jdbc:mysql://]
fdb.pooling = [true]
jdbc.user = [fdb]
jdbc.driver = [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver]
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: Pricing Client (1/3) ]
[ Processing package: Pricing Module for Mirth (2/3) ]
[ Processing package: Upgrade Pricing Database and HCPCS Codes, if needed (3/3) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]
[ Creating shortcuts done. ]
[ Add shortcuts to uninstaller done. ]
[ Writing the uninstaller data … ]
[ Automated installation done ]
If you get connection refused errors – see APPENDIX A
8) Check Version was Updated from mirth directory (only):
mirth]$ sh
Version for /com/medsphere/pricing:
If you get a connection refused error during the install you will have to make the following “grant” statements in mysql (these commands MUST be done for new installations as well):
Then you have to issue some “grant” statements in mysql:
jfrench@jfrench$ mysql -uroot
mysql> grant all privileges on pricing.* to ‘price’@’localhost’ identified by ‘price’;
mysql> grant all privileges on pricing.* to ‘price’@’%’ identified by ‘price’;
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> grant all privileges on fdb.* to ‘fdb’@’localhost’ identified by ‘fdb’;
mysql> grant all privileges on fdb.* to ‘fdb’@’%’ identified by ‘fdb’;
mysql> flush privileges;
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